HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE OLYMPICS 2014!!!!!!!!!$@@%!!!##^&$$!!
1. Davis and White win GOLD! Now lets just forget about the fact that I saw those five words on a "friend's" status about 5 hrs before I could go home to see it. (Don't worry I've learned from my mistakes...I unfriended him that same day. Just try and ruin 2016 for me. I dare you.) I was still super excited to see them put those cocky Canadian's in there place..I mean who could NOT love these two? With all those videos of them skating together when they were like 10 and talking about how it was scary to look into each others eyes...adorable. Apparently they have over come that hurdle...
Dad. One comment about the twizzels and I swear... |
Owned. |
3. He took that fall like a man! Oh man...part of being crazy enough to train to be in the Olympics is being crazy enough to fly 10-1,000,000 feet in the air (depending on the sport, of course) with the chance that you aren't going to stick the landing. I saw some pretty gnarly falls this year...bro. Surprisingly enough one of the hardest falls was from a male figure skater from the U.S. He came down SUPER hard right on his hip bone...but with the cheers from the crowd he got up and finished his program. Slow clap anyone?
4. Ted Ligety. I cannot tell you how relieved I was when he got gold in that one event. (CONFESSION TIME: Every single event that involves skiers going down a hill at a rapid pace seems the exact same to me. I swear they just give them 10 chances to get gold in identical events. It's very kind of them but a little confusing for the viewers at home. Also, if those announcers tell me one more time about the "soft snow" conditions...I get it. It's hard being an Olympian.) But really, I was SO happy that he won (and you know...he had a disadvantage cause he skied last...and you know how soft the snow gets after that many riders have been one it) because seconds before the event they showed a video of him, in which he basically says that his life would be over if he didn't get gold in this run. I was immediately very invested in his cause.
5. Reporters sometimes don't have souls. So picture this. Bode Miller just (finally) metaled in an event. I'm pretty sure he had hurt his knee during the event causing it to be his last run in the Olympics...ever. An Olympics that his little brother was supposed to be at as well, but he died before having the chance. Now put Bode in front of the most heartless-I-just-want-a-good-story reporter and this is the conversation that goes down. (Only SLIGHTLY exaggerated)
So that must have been a pretty emotional run for you how are you feeling?
I feel good about it I didn't make any major mistakes blah blah blah...
How does it feel being here without your brother? You know. Your brother. Who was supposed to be here but died.
Uhh, I'm just trying to make him proud of me...
What would your brother be doing if he were here, which he isn't cause he's dead?
Supporting me...
So I saw you looking up to the skies before the run. Who were you talking to Bode? Was it your brother? Your dead brother? Who's in heaven...you know cause that's where dead people go. And he's dead.
And then she has the nerve to try and rub his shoulder lovingly as he folds over and bursts into tears! I was not happy Bob. Not happy.
6. Mormon Mom gets a silver metal and jumps into the stands. Yeah...it's a cute story. She's cute. I like her. It's even better that in the Church News it had a picture of her going to church in Sochi.
7. I really don't know what this is because I care very little about opening and closing ceremonies...but it HAS to be a highlight.
![]() |
Things needed at the Olympics: Giant ice skating bear. Check. |
8. Curling. 'Nuff said. The fact that that sport continues to come back year after year is a highlight for me on it's own.
9. Russian figure skating pair. Fine...so there were a few people that I liked that weren't from the USA. That usually only happened in the events that our peeps didn't even have a chance. Therefore, I really was happy to see...Russian Name and Female Russian Name win the gold in figure skating. Mainly because by everything the announcers were saying I was afraid of what would happen to them if they DIDN'T win.
10. Bob Costas gets pink eye! Okay...maybe it's a little harsh to have that in the highlights reel, but I really love Matt Lauer! (That love started when I was nannying for Mel and Kip and I had very little in my life. The today show got me through. Oh...and you know...my love of Brady.)
All in all the Olympics were very enjoyable this year...as long as you allow me to remain in denial about Shawn White...he got his third straight gold as far as I'm concerned. And he still has long hair.
My patriotic blanket. Very useful during the Olympics. Very random every other day of the year. |
PS In regards to the title of this blog post...the other day while walking through campus (woah...is that facebook group as heard at BYU still around?? It was hilarious) I heard this girl say, "Yeah...but Party in the USA is a classic!" If we are now classifying a Miley Cyrus song as a classic I'm afraid for the future of this world.
PPS Okay what is this sport and HOWHOWHOW did I miss it???
My future? I think so. |
PPPS Did everyone else enjoy those commercials about how if we contact this number or go to this website we could see how WE could become an Olympian?? The fact that I'm willing to sit on my couch for 3 hours every night for 2 weeks should tell you that I'm not Olympian material bud.