Oh Christmas. Our Christmas seemed to start right after Thanksgiving when we went to Elf with Ana and Matt. I failed to put these pictures in my previous post, so here they are.
December was a very full month, but mainly full of fun things so I'm not complaining! It started off with us going to a Christmas party thrown by some friends in the ward. Overall the night was really fun, but it did start out some what stressful. I had worked that morning and because we hadn't been able to get to the temple in November (and the temple was closed in October) Ben came with me to work so we could head to the temple together once I was off. By the time we got home it was about an hour before the party. We check the mail because our white elephant gift was supposed to arrive by then. As I was walking to the mail I see a man in a white mail van go to the office door, see that it's closed, and drive away. When we check the status of the package on amazon it now says that delivery was attempted and the person wasn't home. WHAT?! First off, amazon always drops off packages in front of your door. Secondly, that man did NOT try and see we were home at all. (We have learned since this incidence that some of our amazon delivery people are the worst and never even try to drop it off at your apartment. They just dump them all at the office. The other day we had three packages at our door from amazon and only the top one was actually addressed to us.) So by this time I'm fuming. All my middle school insecurities are rushing back to me as I contemplate us being the only people without a real white elephant gift. I will not be the kid that brings the unwanted present! I'm not reliving 7th grade math class! Also, around this same time I have this horrible feeling that we were supposed to bring a treat with us to this party. I reread the invitation and it definitely says bring a dessert or favorite dish to share. I was so focused on thinking of a cool white elephant gift that I totally spaced it! So now we've got 40 minutes to whip something up. Ben goes racing to Walmart as I start preparations on some peanut butter kiss cookies. By the time we arrive at the actual party I'm grumpy, stressed, and dreading the moment we tell everyone our present is actually empty. After mingling for a bit and eating some of the treats people brought our moods lifted a bit. Then we played some group games which were a lot of fun! At the white elephant gift exchange people seemed to be okay with the fact our present would need to be delivered a little later and let us play along. It was pretty fun even though the gift we ended up with was pretty useless. It is a water fountain thing. Something you'd have at an office or something. Apparently it was a gift from last years party and when the lady went home with it she immediately stuck it in her closet to be her gift for the next year. So I guess we will keep it just in case we get invited to this same party this December. Also, there was this terrifying moment when I thought we were going to go home with a real fish. Luckily, the host of the party took pity on me because she saw my face as I opened it. Pets are bad enough if they are cute! I'm not taking care of no fish! Also, I have no clue where we would have put it. Maybe on the back of the toilet? And then one day if I accidentally tip the bowl over and the fish happens to fall into the toilet.... Anyways, it was a good thing we didn't go home with that fish.
The next weekend we had two Christmas parties. The ward party on Friday and a doctor party on Saturday. I could not WAIT to get the ward party over with. We were in charge of the service project. Recently, some experiences with different callings has made me realize that problems arise when you are put "in charge" of something, but you really aren't in charge. When something is delegated to you it is best if it is all put into your hands instead of you being the face of it, but someone else is still telling you want needs to happen. Basically, things did not go as smoothly with this service project as we would have hoped. It was just having the members make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but somehow it ended up being way too complicated. Add to that the fact that the choir was performing during the program and you'll understand why I was happy to be done with the ward party. But the ward members seemed to enjoy it so we will go ahead and place it in the win pile.
They went all out with the decorations...this is the candy cane forest. |
Then on Saturday we went to a party being thrown by the clinic that Ben will occasionally volunteer at by translating for the doctors. The clinic is for low income families and is completely run by volunteers. It was a little awkward at first because we didn't really know hardly anyone there, but Ben wanted to go because apparently only one med student went last year and that's all they've been hearing about for the last year. It was a rough start. Conversation around dinner all had to do with doctor things which gets boring reaalll quick for me. (I know, life's gonna be fun.) Luckily things picked up after dinner when we started the white elephant gift exchange! (Which I believe was called a Chinese gift exchange on our invitation to the party...ahhh Texas.) This was the best kind of gift exchange because we didn't actually have to provide any gifts! The board for the clinic provided them as a thank you to their volunteers. At first it didn't look like I was going to participate because there were only enough gifts for a few spouses to get one, but the cutest old man (who had taken a liking to Ben and I when he heard us speaking Spanish) came up behind me and gave me his ticket. At first, people were a little hesitant to steal, but then I picked these really cute bowls and people stopped being shy. After someone stole my bowls I picked a cute fruit bowl and then a candle...basically Ben and I unwrapped more presents than anyone else because we kept picking the good stuff! We ended up stealing back the fruit bowl and some towels. The best part of the whole thing was one of the doctors totally loved me. He kept talking about how I had the magic touch and would only let me pick the gifts that he opened. Haha it was fantastic! Then after the gift exchange I found out that him and his wife always wanted a daughter and they would have named her Emily. So I've basically been adopted. Just thought y'all should know. It was seriously hilarious.
The next Christmas party was the most highly anticipated. The Nayar & McIntyre Christmas party!! (Yes that's right....4 Christmas parties. When we saw a 5th invite we couldn't bring ourselves to go.) We went to this fancy Moroccan restaurant. The food was fine, but I was most excited about Ben meeting my coworkers. I wanted him to see how fun they are and for them to see how awesome he is. He fit in perfectly, as I knew he would. My coworkers really liked him. The girls have told me on multiple occasions that Ben and I are the only people who give them hope that love exists. The other day I was telling them that Ben and I spent New Years Eve watching movies and doing a puzzle together and she said, "You two really found each other." I couldn't agree more. :) The craziest part of the N&M party was when Lakshmi and Maria gave us our Christmas presents which were APPLE WATCHES. When I saw the shape of the box I guessed it was a watch, but never in a million years would I have guess it would be the new apple watch. There are perks to working in big and small companies, but I really prefer the small company. We are such a close group it makes work parties fun and not awkward (I'm looking at you ZRT Christmas party of 2015).
Not wanting to have to spend money on Christmas pajamas I'm wearing Ben's school shirt that has some evergreen trees and snow on it. |
Our week in Idaho was full of fun and zero responsibilities...it was amazing! We played lots of games, watched a bunch of movies, did some puzzles, and just had a great time!
This is a Sound of Music puzzle which was super fun. Whenever we were working on it at least someone would be humming some of the music. |
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The second we picked out the kissing mice I knew I was gonna make Ben take a picture like this. I personally think it's adorable. |
So, last year we made a cute gingerbread house, but we were totally upstaged by Sterling and Dan's giant gingerbread rocket. This year I suggested we could create an American Ninja Warrior course and Ben liked the idea so we went with it. Little did we know in a few short hours it would tear our marriage apart......haha okay not really, but there was a point where Ben basically forced me to let him work on what I was doing cause I was losing my mind. In the end it all worked out and we were happy with our finished product.
See those Candy Canes with Life Savers hanging off of them...that's what almost robbed me of my sanity. |
Not pictured: all the hot chocolate we drank, tim-tam's we ate, handbells we rang, songs we sang, racquetball we played, and laughs we shared. One note on the racquetball- I played Ben's mom as he played with two of his brothers. None of us had played since last year, but man Ben's mom was killing me. We played three games and by the third game she was trying to give me points. I would get to serve as many times as I needed, but she'd never let herself get a second try. I've never felt so much pressure to win.
One kind of unique thing we did was play a family history memory game. Ben's dad reminds me of our dad in a lot of ways. He wanted to include a little more worthwhile activity in our to do list so he suggested we all find an ancestor and play a game of memory with their name and a story from their life. Ben's family is a little different from ours in that they allow him to suggest these activities and don't mock him for his efforts. For real, in the end it was really fun, but at first all I could think was Dad would have had a LOT more resistance in our house haha poor Dad. The Jacks are a little less sassy than the Messerlys. I looked up one of our ancestors and we all went around and shared a story from an ancestor. It was fun listening to the stories, but I mainly enjoyed looking through our ancestors and reading different stories that are in the family search website. I believe the ancestor I found was Grandma Miller's father...I think. His Dad was killed by a tree falling on him when he was just a few feet away. It was a traumatic experience for him and he kept asking why it wasn't him that died. His father had kids to take care of, but he wouldn't have been missed. After struggling for a while he finally heard the voice of the Lord tell him that he didn't take him because he wouldn't have been of any use to him. He said his father was in the spirit world teaching the gospel and is of great use, but he would have been useless to him. I'm paraphrasing, but that's basically what it said. A pretty humbling experience! He later had a heath scare and almost died. When he saw his father calling for him to come join him he asked to stay on earth a little longer. Yall should look up his memories in family search because it's a good story, but I'm not gonna write it all out here.
Happy New Year from the Jack/Messerlys! |