Halloween! I haven't cared much about this holiday since I was a trick-or-treating child. Once that wasn't part of the holiday I didn't really care much about the whole dressing up. This year Halloween became a way bigger deal! Again, Riley is experiencing holidays for the third time, but they've all felt like the first time because she is old enough to really enjoy it instead of just being dressed up for pictures.
Weeks before Halloween I asked Riley what she would like to dress up as for Halloween. Without hesitation she answer, "Branch!" I wasn't exactly shocked it was a troll she wanted to be, but it did surprise me she chose the grumpy, male troll. I continued to ask her who she was going to be and the answer was always Branch. I searched google for branch costumes, but the only real option was a real cheap looking onesie outfit that was way more than it was worth. So I got the crazy idea that I could make her costume. The pants would be easy, we'd buy a wig, and the only part I'd really have to craft/sew was his vest. This is who we were trying to emulate:
Although, we decided we'd do Branch after he receives his "true color" so his skin is a little brighter turquoise and his hair is purple. Luckily, I have a friend with a sewing machine, and when Mom was in town we tackled this project.
Our Halloween celebration had two parts. We went to a little trunk or treat at the church on Saturday, and then went Trick-or-Treating with Owen around our neighborhood on Sunday.
Getting ready on Saturday was very exciting, finally seeing it all come together! I had bought some face paint, but Ben and I hadn't exactly seen eye to eye on how much we should paint. I knew he thought we were just going to paint the nose, but I really wanted to at least see what it looked like to paint the whole face the turquoise color. Britt was near by encouraging me to paint her, and I kept looking to her for assurance that troll face was acceptable since they are a fictional species. After just painting the base color on we almost took it all off because other than the color it looking a lot like the style of blackface, but after I added color to the nose and dotted a few freckles on her it actually looked really cute!
I was not going to go through the effort of decorating our trunk to hand out candy, but I brought some candy just in case there weren't many people participating (although I didn't think through the fact that my trunk was full of junk that needed to go to goodwill at the time). There were actually a bunch of cars participating, and I'm pretty sure we were just about the only family that showed up that didn't hand out candy. You never know the dynamics of things in a new ward...I figured a bunch of older families in the ward would come to hand out candy, but no it was just everyone with young kids handing it out to each other. Everyone absolutely LOVED Riley's costume. We were told by the missionaries that Riley would've won best costume, but they wanted to give it to a kid a little older who would appreciate it more. (Ben's response was, well what about her mom who made the costume?? I think she would've appreciated it!) Most people knew she was a troll and a few people knew the exact troll she was. We had a really fun time, and Riley quickly caught on to the whole operation and was brave enough to go a trunk or treat a few times without us right by her side. There was one car, however, that she nearly ran away from without any candy to show for it. There was a man dressed as a turkey, giving out candy. He was gobbling and wobbling his head about, really committing to the turkey character. Riley wasn't about it, but after he calmed it down a bit she was willing to take his candy from as far a distance as possible. When asked later how she liked the trunk-or-treat she reply, "There was a funny person!" Haha glad she decided he was funny.
Riley and her friend, Lily
On Sunday night we told Riley we'd do something like trunk or treat, but instead we'd be going to people's doors. She wasn't sure about that, but we promised she'd still get candy in return for her efforts. As I told her it was time to get ready she said, "This time I want to be Poppy!" (The girl main character from Trolls.) Oh dear. I hadn't thought about the potential issue with dressing up more than once, Branch was already done...she's ready for a new costume! But after I explained we could maybe be Poppy next year and Branch was all we had she didn't put up too much of a fuss. Owen and family came down to trick or treat with us since we live right next to a ritzy neighborhood and they'd heard not much goes on in their neck of the woods. It was so fun to have them with us! Britt also came along for trick-or-treating, I assumed to continue to bond with her niece and family, but soon discovered it was for all the houses that just leave the bowl out and she could add to her candy stash. I had worried 5 would be too early to go out, but it definitely wasn't. I'm really glad we started out that early because we still stayed out past our 7:30 bedtime! It was fun chatting with a few of our neighbors and getting to meet the people who live in these giant houses we pass all the time.
Pretty sure Owen's mouth is already blue from M&M's
One moment of note, once it started to get dark we realized why young kids start trick or treating even earlier than 5. With the darkness comes the preteens. Oh goodness, the preteens! They travelled in packs of 5 at the least and like 20 at the most. At one house Britt and I go up with Owen and Riley. As we turn to go a hoard of preteens are blocking our path. The porch is such that they are blocking the only exit. There were at least 15 of them all coming for their candy. Some of them are wearing those creepy camouflage/hunting suits that Danny wanted to wear for halloween. The biggest problem was that as they approached Riley, Britt, and I went to one side and poor Owen went to the other. Well really he just didn't go to a side at all and is just kind of under all these teens. We tried to get to him, but it was hopeless. He started stepping into the house of the random person because it felt like a safer option! After that we were sure Owen was a changed child.
Some other memories, Britt openly cursing the houses that were dark saying, "If you live in a house this big you owe it to society to give us candy." Really surprised by the fact that only 2 houses had full size candy bars! In my day, you went to the rich neighborhood for the full size! None of this fun size stuff! The poor people can hand that out! Calan (Owen's mom) sprinting towards a bowl of candy when it was announced they had Ghirardelli. (Which wasn't easy while she was wearing a baby and holding a dog's leash.) Riley going for some people's cheese they were having with their wine after not seeing a visible candy bowl. Some guy handing out sausages on toothpicks for the parents.
The next day Riley was doing something and I said, "You're so cute!" She responded, "That's what all the people at the trick or treat said!" Haha so obviously we had a great Halloween that boosted Riley's self-confidence.
There is a water bottle in Britt's hair to make that happen...it was quite an ordeal to put in haha.
Branch in his true element
How'd we do??