Wednesday, July 5, 2023


These posts always speak for themselves. These quotes range quite a few months...enjoy.  

"Mama you really need to take care of me a lot today." Don't we all wish we could tell the world to be gentle with us some days. 

Riley likes to dictate how I'm feeling or things I say when we play together. This one cracked me up when she said, "Can you be sad because there isn't a lot of beautiful things in the world?"

 Riley has started enjoyed jokes, she told me a pretty good one the other day. "Why was 6 afraid of 7? Well because 7 was a vampire!" Then I tried to tell her the classic why is 9 afraid of 7 joke and after I told her the punch line of because 7 8 9 she said, "I don't have an answer for that." 

Another joke moment. She was pondering this horse joke her dad told her, "What did the horse say when she fell down? Help, I've fallen and I can't giddy up!" She disagreed she said, "He would just ask another horse to help him!" Pretty simple guys.

Ben had his Ukulele out recently and Riley was putting on a little concert for us. After playing for a few minutes she looked at us and said, "So you guys know, I don't know how to change the notes." Haha thanks for the warning after we're already in our seats for the concert. 

One of those classic little kid burns. Riley says to me, "Your teeth are more gold than white." 

Riley telling me about playing red light, green light during her primary class. "One kid was really good at it! But some of my little friends just kept on running!"

Standing tall tapes. There is a song in the love one about a Dad who now lives at a different house, but "still there is love". Riley really related with the kid because she told me, "My dad doesn't live here sometimes too." 

"I can help so you don't have to live your life doing that alone." Haha encouraging...I think. 

"I just like pepper when it's mixed with mint."

Riley's been really into dad jokes recently. Ben will tell her the joke and she'll come tell it to me. While one of the jokes he told Riley was, "What did the horse say when she fell down? I can't giddy up!" Riley responded, "She would just ask another horse to help him." 

Me trying to teach Riley the real Spanish word for things. "I like making up Spanish words, that's just about being a kid."

Just totally out of the blue, "So Nel is gonna be another dad huh?"

Playing with Riley and she pretends that she's having twins. After giving birth to both babies she makes a motion of doing up a jacket and says, "Zip!" 

Grandma Jack wanted to capture a cute Riley moment, but didn't have her phone. She said, "I wish I had my camera!" Riley responded, "It's okay, you can just look at me."

One day I hear Riley singing, "Mama works day and night." She comes in the room in my shoes and says, "I'm being a mama. I'm very busy."

We were reading a book that mentions a pilot whale. Riley says, "Pilot whale! Did you know pilot whales are actually dolphins?" The knowledge she holds onto amazes me. 

No specific quote, but I just wanted to remember walking through Costco with the kiddos in the cart. Nelson was trying to "eat" Riley and she was just laughing and laughing. It is so fun seeing Nelson and Riley play together. It doesn't happen very often without Nelson getting hurt or Riley getting upset he's taking her toys. So I enjoy the small moments. 

So far the list of things Riley wants to be include: firefighter, bug girl, opthamologist, and most recently "a pediatrician so I can work with Daddy."

I think I was bringing something out to the car, but Riley was concerned I was leaving her behind. She called to me, "You can't just skip away with out your child!"

Riley was playing on the couch, slipped off, and landed on a tub of magnatiles. Through tears she exclaimed, "I told you we shouldn't have the magnatiles there!" "I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't hear you say that." "That's because it was in my mind." 

A hilarious out of the blue question. "Mom is your life gonna be hard when we have lots of kids?"

We were reading some Kratt Brothers books where they talk about getting different creature powers. I ask her what creature power she would want. She responded, "A spider! I could scare everybody in my reach!" Haha her joys of scaring her aunt Bo with spider things runs deep. 

I'm sure this was referring to remembering something that I didn't, "It's funny that my little brain is better than your grown up brain."

"Life will be hard if I don't get a baby sister." "But we will love all our baby brothers right?" "Well....depending on how cute they are."

I made molasses cookies the other day and while they may not be much to look at they are very delicious. Apparently Riley felt the same because when I offered a cookie to Ben she told him, "They are better than you think!" Then she repeated the same phrase when I offered one to Britt. 

We were over playing at her friend Lily's house. I was playing a game with Lily's little brother that was similar to Memory, but it was all in Japanese so I was definitely being beat by a two year old. Riley gave me a pep talk, saying, "It's okay if you aren't good at it mom! You'll just be a little slower, but you can do it!"

"I can't sleep! I'm so excited for Father's Day!" This girl loves any reason to celebrate. 

Another moment of her book knowledge: "Camouflage means using colors to blend into your surroundings. Adapt means change over a long period of time. It says that in the glossary."

Riley coming in from outside commenting on her state of cleanliness, "Pretty dirty huh? And I don't smell good either!"

Hops on my chair and says, "I'm warming your seat for you." A few minutes late after I've totally forgotten, "Should be warm enough now mom!"

Playing doctor with Riley is hilarious. She's got to work on her bedside manner. "Oh no, this isn't gonna be good." "Oh, you aspirated a kitty." "We have a problem with the lungs. Kittens."

Overhearing a conversation at soccer practice said to her friend Sarah, "I can help you, what do you need?"

I just realized maybe I should add a few little Nelson things. 

When you give him a hug he responds with a grunt. That is because his Dad loves to hug him and make a mmmm sound as he squeezes him. He now things that sound needs to accompany each hug. 

If the pantry is ever left open you can expect this little boy to be walking over to you with a bar in hand requesting it be opened. 

When he's really happy with you (usually because you gave him yummy food) he'll look up at you and give you the cheesiest little grin. 

This is Britt and Nelson's relationship.

This may look like a touching picture between siblings, but really Riley is yelling at Nelson to stop taking her flowers. Note how many flowers are all over the yard.

Riley's soccer practice was such a fun few weeks. This coach was hilarious, he kept me laughing on the sidelines.

Riley went to a Paw Patrol party at a fire station. She refused to sacrifice either theme. 

Her face when Marshall showed up. But don't let that fool you she refused to look him in the eye or approach him in any way. I can't imagine Disney is going to go very well. 

Always riding in style.

Trying to capture his cheesy grin.