Friday, May 4, 2012

We are young! We are strong! And we're running with blood on our knees!

Well first off...blogger got a facelift! If you have a blog you know what I'm talking about. Man, blogger used to be so down to earth, but now it's teamed up with Google+ and is becoming all vain! Don't need Google-make-up to cover up, being the way that you were was enough. that I'm done trying to improve my blogs self-esteem onto the fun part of the post! As probably all of you know, last weekend my wonderful sister Melanye was in town. Now to truly understand the events that occurred last Saturday we're gonna have to go back...WAY back...back into time. Melanye has always had this indescribable power over all of her sisters (and some brothers.) She had the power to convince me her giant, 80's inspired boom-box was a fair trade for my sleek, new cd player. She convinced me that the 20 bucks I found in our house (that no one claimed...I'm not a bad person) partially belonged to her and she deserved half of it. She swindled me out of my heated blanket. Even this week, she somehow left our house with at least two of my shirts, a pair of pants, and my ipod.

She never ceases to amaze me.

So now that you understand the power that is Melanye Thompson you will understand how a person like me (who, while I love exercise, would NEVER choose to spend that exercise time running) ended up running a 10k on Saturday. Mel planned to come to Utah for my farewell talk, and she decided it would be fun if we tried to do a "Messerly Might" 10k on the Saturday before my talk. We aren't exactly a family of runners, Mom likes running and Ana and I enjoy a good sweat, but other than that Mel's the only one in the family that would actually WANT to run 6.2 miles. But somehow in the emails she sent about The Event (as I am now affectionately calling the 10k) made running sound fun! She even baited us with t-shirts (which actually never happened) to make the whole thing sound festive! Now I will admit, I was supportive of the idea at first...I thought I could work my way up to running 6 miles and I'd feel so accomplished! So I helped support Mel even when most of the family told her there was no chance in (insert whichever word offends you least) they were doing it. As the run came closer, however, school was busier so my carefully planned running schedule feel apart; leaving me very nervous for judgement day.

Well the day of The Event came and standing on the driveway, ready to run at 8 am were Mel, Ana, Mom, and I. Well "ready" is kind of a strong word...maybe willing is more accurate. Or coerced. No I think the word I'm looking for is forced. Forced to run. So we grabbed our shades, took our pictures, and drove our car to the planned starting point. We ran as a group for about 5 seconds and then we were divided into the EMEL and MANA teams. (our names don't make great celebrity couple names) Now begins the fun part.

Want to know what I learned about myself during this run? I'm what you would call a bipolar runner. Here are just a few things going through my mind at different points in the run. I've lost the ability to differentiate between the things I actually said out loud and the things I tried to keep in to spare Mel's feelings. It was just such a confusing time.

0-1 mi- Spent the first half of this mile telling Mel about all my insecurities about going on a mission and basically coming up with as much juicy gossip we could. Running at about a 10 minute pace. Feeling good. Encouraged even more as Mel continually tells me the first mile is the hardest.

1-2.1 mi- Mel lies. The first mile is not the hardest. The hardest mile is the one that has a hill. I did not agree to hills. Melanye commenting on how big the houses around us are doesn't motivate me to run at all. Your sarcastic comment about running down the hill being easier doesn't help either, old man. I'm done. I thought I'd get farther than this, but I think I'm just going to walk the rest of the way. No. Push yourself! Catch back up to Mel! Yes! There you go...nope, nope slowing down again. Mel don't wait for me. Please just run ahead and leave me behind. Why won't you just give up on me?!

2.1-3.2 mi- The fact that we get to run on a slight downhill slope doesn't comfort me at all Mel. It's still running. Stop trying to make it sound like this is just gonna be a piece of cake from now on. Why do I let you in my life? I don't want to run anymore. But you've run farther than this before! Push yourself! Oh, we came to a fork in the road. Yes! Keep pretending you think we're supposed to run the other way. You'll at least get to breath for a few seconds. Crap. She figured it out. We're running again. Maybe if I just push her in front of that car that's No. That would be wrong.

3.2-4.2 mi- Mel checks her "I tell you how fast you're running and how far you're running all while laughing at your pain" watch about 25 times. Discovered talking about certain topics makes you run faster without realizing it. I think I'll just stop after this mile. Four miles is good enough and that's where we left the car so really it would work out well. But I can't stop! If I stop this whole "running" thing will be a waste. And I'd leave Mel to run all alone with no one to talk to AND no ipod to listen to. That's gotta be worse than death and taxes.

4.2-4.9 mi-Mel why are you talking to that other runner? I thought we were just gonna run past her and pretend we didn't see her. Oh great. Now she's telling her how I'm going to run 6.2 miles. Well I can't quit now! Little Miss. I'm-running-10-miles-and-have-this-cool-water-bottle-holder-around-my-waist will think I'm weak if I stop now. Alright Mel, your voice is no longer enough motivation to keep me running. If I'm gonna make it all the way it's time to break out some Bieber. I'll just put in one headphone so Mel won't think I'm totally ignoring her. If I was your boyfriend...

4.90001-4.90002 mi- Woo! Jumping over that cone was fun.

5-6 mi- Yes!! Mile 5! I've never run this far before without taking a break to walk for a few minutes! I'm a rock-star!! I can do this! I can do this!! They're gonna make a movie about my triumph! It's totes gonna make everyone cry. I say totes now. It'll be the inspirational movie of the year. I think my love interest should be Josh Hutcherson. Not sure when during this run I developed a love interest, but he'll be played by Josh. He'd be waiting at the finish line to sweep me into his arms. I'd play myself of course. He wouldn't even look disgusted by my red, sweaty face. I can't believe I'm doing thi...I'm done. 5 miles is good enough. I can only focus on my stupid breathing and stupid form for so long Mel!! If you make me count my steps one more time I will trip you while you're running at your stupid 9:30 pace. I hope the people living around here don't mind hearing me and Mel yell out random parts of the songs I'm listening to. I've officially experienced Mel's most flimsy attempt to distract me while running. "Oh a 'Sold' sign! Try to think of songs that have the word sold in it. What about hall? How many songs can you think of with the word hall in it?" I think I mumbled something incoherent about Cathedrals. I'm done. I give up. I made it far enough. No! Don't let Mel get there before you! Sprint this last part! YES!!!! You freakin did it! You made it! Woo...that last sprint about killed you but you did it!

The most painful words I've ever heard in my life: "Alright now we just have to run back a little bit to get the last .2 miles to finish the 10k!"

6-6.2 mi- Shut up. No. I just pushed myself that hard because I thought the end was in sight! Do you even love me anymore Mel? You really should've told me you were a sadist and a masochist before I started running with you. Okay I CAN do're stronger than you think you're stronger than you think you are. Alright Mika, you're gonna have to get me through this. This song pumps me up like no's the only way I'm pulling through. Come on faster...faster...catch up to Mel! Or at least get closer to Mel. That will suffice. NOW where is she going?? Is this just some game? We've actually been running for 10 miles and she just wants to see how far I will follow her around like a puppy? Man, I have to keep running now because Mom and Ana are watching! Wait. She's stopping. That means I can stop. Halle-freakin-lujah!

I'm still impressed by Mel's motivational skills and by the fact that after we finished this while I was sure I was close to death she continued to run 2 more miles. She's Wonder Woman. (Who comes from a group of women called the Amazons. Just ask Britty.) I think my favorite moment of the day happened after the run. Once we got home I was walking around and said, "You know, I don't really feel like I'm even that sweaty." To which everyone in the room enthusiastically replied, "No, no you sweat a me you sweat plenty!" Also, just for your information...while you may have the motivation to go to a Pump (weight-lifting mixed with cardio) class after running The Event you're body may not want you to. Charlie horses hurt kids. All in all it was a fabulous Saturday spent with my older sister, and gave me a great excuse to blog. I miss you already Mel! In fact I missed you the second you left! Love you!





  1. Hahaha, awesome. Yes, Mel is powerful. I think running brings out the bipolar in all of us.
    Wonder Woman being from the Amazons made me laugh out loud! Love it!

  2. This is the best post ever!! I only knew about 50% of what was going on in your head so it was hilarious to learn the rest. I tried every trick in the book to keep you running and yes, while many were pathetic and you saw right through them, you still did it!!

  3. And Emy, the indescribable power that I have is called the power of persuasion. :)

  4. Emy, whenever I miss you I will just keep reading this blog post. It is absolutely fabulous and makes me laugh every time!!

  5. Still a very entertaining read 12 years later :)
