Saturday, December 27, 2014

All I Want for Christmas Is YOU!!

Ahhh....Christmas time. It truly is a magical time of year...more magical for some than others. I've always considered myself  as someone with a lot of Christmas cheer. A Christmas Elf if you will. I LOVE the music, the decorations, the tree, cookies, movies....anything Christmas I LOVE it. LOVE. But this Christmas was a little different compared to Christmases past. As Mom put it we "simplified" Christmas this year. We didn't have a tree, we simplified gift giving, and no family came into town. (I mean...just the Messerlys in Utah is still a fairly impressive group...but still!)  So without Christmas tree shopping  or much gift buying Christmas kind of arrived without me even noticing. (The lack of Christmas decorations in my apartment might have also played a part) But you know what? It still came and it was still wonderful #thegrinchwasright. There were a few things I missed, but there were a lot of things to love about this "simplified" Christmas. 

We got to see Mom and Dad go to bed on Christmas Eve night BEFORE was a miracle! Mom actually got to sit down and play Things with Britt, Matt, Danny, Ana and I on Christmas Eve (props to Matt for throwing us off my putting "wedding anniversary" for things you always forget). In years prior she was always WAY too busy to play any games that night. But I think my favorite part of Christmas this year was listening to the stories of Wally and the Little Cripple Boy. The Spirit of CHRISTmas was very present as Dad spoke about the lessons from these stories. It reaffirmed what I was already learning...the spirit of Christmas doesn't come from the decorations or presents, but from our small acts of kindness.

So this is how Christmas looked this year...

I made sugar cookies for the fam...everyone was very confused. Wait...aren't these for caroling?
Also...yes that is the Justin Bieber christmas album playing...#dealwithit  
There was plenty of cousin cuteness. (Okay, yes I took a picture during prayer...but it was too CUTE!)
Even Midge got in on the nephew love...look they're TOUCHING
Mckay doesn't seem to realize how big of a deal this is...

LOVE this one. Mom is so cute.

Matt got a little to into the "asleep...asleep" portion of Away in a Manger

Somehow while the nativity pieces were being passed out Danny ended up with Mary AND the little shepherd girl...
That wrong was quickly righted.

Midge was a little less than enthusiastic to wake up in the morning...this was my solution. 
Dad passing out the presents. See? Some things didn't change
Also...notice the tiny branch of a pine tree hanging from a string? That was our pseudo Christmas tree. #thisishowwedo

Rich and Erica wrapped Britt's gift in what we are now calling the "glittery wrapping paper of death"
You touch the gift? You get glittered. 

We used a box to protect Midge from the ridiculous amounts of glitter. 

I love capturing Dane's smile as he opens his presents

Utah hasn't seen hardly any snow this when everyone woke up Christmas morning to 4 inches of snow it kind of felt like a Christmas miracle. Of course that meant that Midge and I had to go take some selfies in it. #nomakeup #naturalbeauties #youresovain

Love. This. Girl.

 In summary...I love my family. Missed you Mel, Kip, Brady, Ty, Loren, Mitch, Luke and Elise! 

Oh, and Midge and I (with some assistance from Coco) found the most entertaining app EVER.


  1. Pop's video killed me but Ana talking about the Zumbites standing on her feet had my on the floor. So hilarious!! I didn't realize you all didn't even get a tree - craziness! And I just noticed with your pics but Bo gets the same spot every year and always lines her gifts along the top of the couch ;)

    The pic of Mama and McKay is so adorable! And are you sure Bo didn't hold him just to drop him or touch his hair just to smack him behind your back??

    Missed you all so much!! After we opened presents I was like..."now what" - no sisters to cuddle and gossip with?! no bed to read and nap on? wait...I guess I do have that but it's not the same!

  2. AMAZING recap of Christmas. You took pictures of things I somehow missed entirely - Britta carrying McKay - are you sure that's not photoshopped? Love all the pics and especially Britta and you outside in the snow. I appreciate you seeing the positive side to "simplifying" Christmas this year.

  3. hahah good stuff! I hope that video will serve as copyright evidence for Zumbies. Send me the pics of Elena, you paparazza!

  4. Good to see that McKay hasn't always disliked me!!

    And not one Kiss Cookie was devoured and I still gained weight!!!
