Our house officially has a 2 year old! Riley has stepped into that infamous age of "terribleness". While this age gets a bad rap, we think Riley has never been cuter. Yes, she is getting stronger opinions, but she's also able to express that opinion more clearly. She can communicate just about anything she wants or needs at this point and it's just so fun to see that she has a little personality. As Britt will often comment she seems like such a grown up kid, until you see the diaper. She really has started loosing the little baby face and tummy and it's so sad and sweet at the same time. She has started to have that "do it by myself" toddler attitude. Just the other night Ben was trying to show her that the shorts she was trying to put on were inside out. When he reached for the shorts to fix them Riley grabbed them away saying with her whole soul, "No, no, noooooooo!" It was clearly a look into future toddler stubbornness we will get to enjoy.
For her birthday we invited over the one family that we have included in our quarantine circle her in Maryland. They have a son that is turning two in February and I get along well with his mom. We basically use each other as our only social interactions, they moved here for residency this summer as well. So, for Riley's birthday she got to open presents, have Owen come over, and eat a cupcake. There really couldn't have been anything better. She asked me if "friend Owen" was coming over every other day that week.
In this video you'll see Owen and Riley's relationship at it's most vulnerable. Owen had unwittingly grabbed Riley's most precious possession. White. You'll see Riley attempt to handle her sweet puppy being in another child's hands, but quickly decide she can't handle it.
Sooooo speaking of cupcakes...I'm not one who wants to spend money and time decorating the house with cute birthday decorations, but I do occasionally enjoy baking. So even though there was no theme to this birthday party I went all out on my cupcake decorating! I've decided that I'm going to make that my tradition for kids birthdays. I will decorate cupcakes based on whatever they are into at the time. If you don't remember my amazing owl cupcakes for her first birthday you can check them out here.
There are many reasons to celebrate this sweet little two year old girl. One of the reasons is that she's nice enough to be fulfilling both of her parent's dreams. Riley has recently started requesting I play her favorite primary songs to her on the piano every day. We will sit down and I will play the song until she is ready for a new one and she'll flip through the pages searching for the pictures she knows belong to her favorite songs. She hasn't reached the next level of singing the songs with me, but I'm sure we are getting close. Riley also loves to score goals with her dad. When he gets home from work and starts kicking the soccer ball around she comes running and delights in trying to make goals with him. Really? What more could we ask for??
SUPER FUN! The videos, photos, commentary - so great. The "My friend is holding White, what do I do?" video is priceless. Sorry the bike ride didn't go well. You did get one cute family photo and two photos with Aunt Bo that are adorable!! It's a tough job for a 2 year old, but how sweet that she's making your dreams come true! Pretty enthusiastic soccer player. Wishing you well with all the terrific (and some terrible) times in 2021 with your 2 year old.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh, that video with her friend stealing her dog is the best! And his little smiling face with the big dog - what a perfect moment to catch on film! And the series of bike photos is my fav
ReplyDeleteOh that goal dance! So cute! But what’s golazo? In Mexico they’d just say gol.
ReplyDeleteI love that she’s making her parents’ dreams come true.
Golazo is what announcers say when it was a huge goal...they definitely also just say gol as well but golazo is just so cute coming from Riley haha